Several of his sons have made a lasting impact on the Saddlebred breed. Genius Better Bourbon, Shoreacres Anacacho Genius and The Rambler produced good quality show horses that have continued for generations. Genius Bourbon King had one son that had a profound effect, and that was Valley View Supreme. If Valley View Supreme only sired Supreme Sultan he would have been important, but he sired an entire village of good sons and daughters.
Genius Bourbon King as a 4 year old
Genius Bourbon King as a 4 year old
Here are some of his more famous sons,highlighted in blue, who helped carry on his name. Some of their offspring are also listed and each indentation is a subsequent generation.
Blessed Genius
Blessed King
Bourbon Genius King
* Magnificent Heir
Bourbon Salute
Diana’s King Genius
Genius Better Bourbon
* Lloyd’s Genius Bourbon Prophet
** CH Greenway Commander
*Genius Mountain Bourbon
** WGC CH Mountain Highland Encore
** CH Mountain Highland Voodoo
** Mountain Highland Memories
*** CH Memories’ Citation
*** Merchant Prince
***Memories of Will Rogers
Mr. America
*CH Young America
Ridgefield Heir
* CH Cedar Creek Farewell
San Pedro Genius
Shoreacres Anacacho Genius
*Storm’s Fury
** CH Buck Rogers
** CH The Haitian Prince
* CH Golden Cherry
** CH Cherry Rebel BHF
Sovereign Path
Star Gemini
* CH Star Waltz
State Street
The Rambler
* Grape Tree’s Claudia
** Callaway’s Claudette BHF
***CH WGC Callaway’s Copyright
* CH Irish American
*Royal Rambler
* The Red Rambler
Valley View Supreme
*Supreme Sultan
*Supreme Sultan
Valley View’s Drummer boy
Waltz King
Blessed Genius
f. 1963 out of Saucy Eve, making him a full brother to Arie's Golden Gift
Blessed King
f. 1956 out of Dainty Louise by Kalarama Rex
Bourbon Genius King
f. 1963 out of Anacacho Trail by Edna May's King
Magnificent Heir was sired by Bourbon Genius King
Mac's Genius Bourbon was sired by Bourbon Genius King
Bourbon Salute
f. 19xx out of Anacacho Trail by Edna May's King
making him a full brother to State Street and Bourbon Genius King
f. 1950 out of Peavine's Lady Dare by Noble Kalrama
Countersigned was a 3/4 brother to Genius' Flying Saucer
Diana's King Genius
f. 1967 out of Lovely Diana by The Genius
Genius Better Bourbon
f. 1951 out of Shoreacres Highland choice by Rex Highland's King
Genius Mountain Bourbon
sired by Genius Better Bourbon by Genius Bourbon King.
He sired CH Mountain Highland Encore and CH Mountain Highland Voodoo
Mountain Highland Memories
sired by Genius Mountain Bourbon by Genius Better Bourbon by Genius Bourbon King.
He sired WGC Memories' Citation and CH Lifetime Memory
Memories' Citation
sired by Mountain Highland Memories by Genius Mountain Bourbon by Genius Better Bourbon by Genius Bourbon King. He is the only horse to win the World's Grand Championship in
both the 3 Gaited & 5 Gaited divisions.
Merchant Prince
sired by Mountian Highland Memories by Genius Mountain Bourbon by Genius Better Bourbon by Genius Bourbon King.
He sired WGC CH A Sweet Treat, RWGC CH Rejoice, CH The Great Gaspar, CH Marching orders and many others.
Memories of Will Rogers
sired by Mountian Highland Memories by Genius Mountain Bourbon by Genius Better Bourbon by Genius Bourbon King.
This picture of Will was taken in his 20's, and he was barefoot!
He sired CH Memories' Paragon and Memories' Bourbon.
Mountain Highland Voodoo
sired by Genius Mountain Bourbon by Genius Better Bourbon by Genius Bourbon King.
Mountain Highland Encore
sired by Genius Mountain Bourbon by Genius Better Bourbon by Genius Bourbon King.
CH Greenway Commander
sired by Lloyd's Genius Bourbon Prophet by Genius Better Bourbon by Genius Bourbon King
He sired the full brothers CH French Commander and CH French Wine.
Mr. America
f. 1951 Genius Bourbon King X Briney Breezes BHF by Kalarama Rex
CH Young America
sired by Mr. America by Genius Bourbon King
He was imported to South Africa
Ridgefield Heir
f. 1962 Genius Bourbon King X Ridgefields' Soubrette by CH Ridgefields' Genius
He was the head stud at Cedar Creek Farm for many years
CH Cedar Creek Farewell
sired by Ridgefield Heir by Genius Bourbon King
San Pedro Genius
f. 1965 Genius Bourbon King X Garastanna Dream by San Pedro
Shoreacres Anacacho Genius
f. 1949 Genius Bourbon King X Anacacho Shower BHF by Anacacho Denmark
He sired CH golden Cherry, CH Lalique and CH Shatoosh
Storm's Fury
sired by Shoreacres Anacacho Genius by Genius Bourbon King
He sired WGC CH Buck Rogers
WGC CH Buck Rogers
Sired by Storm's Fury by Shoreacres Anacacho Genius by Genius Bourbon King
He sired CH Eleanor Rigby, dam of CH Call Me Ringo
The Haitian Prince
Sired by Storm's Fury by Shoreacres Anacacho Genius by Genius Bourbon King
Golden Cherry
sired by Shoreacres Anacacho Genius by Genius Bourbon King
She was the dam of Columbia's Cherry Blossom BHF and CH Cherry Rebel BHF
Cherry Rebel
out of Golden Cherry by Shoreacres Anacacho Genius by Genius Bourbon King
She was dam of CH The Billy Bob and CH Santa Claus
Sovereign Path
f. 1964 Genius Bourbon King X Reverie's Desdemona BHF by King's Genius
Star Gemini
f. 1965 Genius Bourbon King X Perique by Anacacho Denmark
CH Star Waltz
sired by Star Gemini by Genius Bourbon King
I own one of his daughters
State Street
f. 1966 Genius Bourbon King X Anacacho Trail by Edna May's King
The Rambler
f. 1950 Genius bourbon King X Highland's Sylvia BHF by Nancy Highland's Chief
CH Irish American
sired by The Rambler by Genius Bourbon King
His daughter Miss Blarney was the dam of CH Santana Lass and
breeding stallions The Irish Connection and Shamrock Santana
Royal Rambler
sired by The Rambler by Genius Bourbon King
His dam was Emeald Present BHF by Kalarama Rex
He sired CH Stutz Bearcat
The Red Rambler
sired by The Rambler by Genius Bourbon King
Callaway's Claudette BHF
Her dam Grape Tree's Claudia was sired by The Rambler by Genius Bourbon King
WGC CH Callaway's Copyright
This 6 time World's Grand Champion was out of Callaway's Claudette BHF
WGC CH Valley View Supreme
f. 1952 Genius Bourbon King X Diana Gay BHF by The Genius
Such a great sire. Here is more info on him.
Supreme Sultan
sired by Valley View Supreme by Genius Bourbon King
Much has already been written about him on this blog.
Valley View's Drummer Boy
f. 1958 Genius bourbon King X Highland's Sylvia BHF
He was a full brother to The Rambler
Waltz King
f. 1966 Genius Bourbon King X CH Dream Waltz BHF by Anacacho Shamrock
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