Saturday, June 22, 2019

6/23/1969 Highlights of 50 years ago, 1969

Hard to believe 50 years have passed since 1969.  It was a banner year with many noteworthy events.  A music festival held in a farmer's field near Woodstock, New York became known simply as Woodstock.  Neil Armstrong became the first man to land on the moon during the Apollo 11 flight.  John Wayne gave his Oscar winning performance in True Grit.   The Pontiac Firebird Trans Am's distinctive blue and white hood emblem was displayed for the first time.  On a more somber note, former president Dwight Eisenhower died, and Mary Jo Kopechne died at Chappaquiddick Island.  And on a personal note, I became an aunt for the first time.  But this post is about a sorrel colt, born June 23, 1969 at Ottawa Creek Farm in Berkey Ohio.  As a youngster, he was so light they didn't even notice that white hind ankle to put on his registration papers.  Yes, Buddy, Best Ever Saddlebred foaled 50 years ago.

Over the past six years of blogging, Buddy has been mentioned a few times, and there are links to prior posts for anyone wanting to catch up on the history of Buddy.  Purchased at age four and a half, Buddy was with me for 18 years and American Saddlebreds have been a fixture in my barn ever since.  He was that "perfect for me" first horse, and helped create my life long obsession with Saddlebreds.  Although by no means a show horse, and a gelding at that, he was useful, happy, good natured and nimble.  Except that one time we were riding peacefully down the north road on a warm April day when his front foot got too close to the edge of the ditch.  He slipped on the wet grass, went down on his knees and slid to the bottom of the ditch, I was deposited on the road and we just stared at each other.  It was a deep ditch and I was looking down at him.  He tried several times to scramble up, but always slid back down again.  There were no houses on this road, and we were a mile from home.  It was an oh shit moment.  Then I called his name, he really dug in with his feet and scrambled to the top.  None the worse for wear, I climbed back on and we continued the mile back home.  Sensible to the end.  Buddy Best Ever Saddlebred.

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